Policies and Procedures
- 05 Board of Directors Terms of Reference Scheme of Delegation 2023 [24]PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [GA] 2024PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [GA] 2025PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [GPFS] 2024PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [GPFS] 2025PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [HPA] 2024PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [HPA] 2025PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [LPA] 2024PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [LPA] 2025PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [TPA] 2024PDF FileDownload
- Admissions Policy [TPA] 2025PDF FileDownload
- Anti Bullying PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Anti Fraud and Corruption PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Appraisal and Capability PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Assessment and Feedback Policy [Secondary]PDF FileDownload
- Assessment and Responsive Feedback Policy [Primary]PDF FileDownload
- Attendance PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Behaviour and Relationships Policy PrimaryPDF FileDownload
- Behaviour Management Policy SecondaryPDF FileDownload
- Biometrics PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Bomb Evacuation ProcedurePDF FileDownload
- Business Continuity PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Careers Policy GatewayPDF FileDownload
- CCTV PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Charging and Remissions PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school policyPDF FileDownload
- Complaints PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Controlling Access to GLC premisesPDF FileDownload
- Critical Incident PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Curriculum PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Curriculum Policy [Primary]PDF FileDownload
- Curriculum Policy [Secondary]PDF FileDownload
- Debt Recovery PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Defibrillator PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Directors and Governors Expenses PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Disabled Persons' Evacuation ProcedurePDF FileDownload
- Disadvantaged Pupils' PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Drugs PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Early Career Framework Induction PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Educational Visits PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Employment and Engagement of Disabled Persons PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Equality Information and Objectives policyPDF FileDownload
- Exams - Complaints Policy Spr 24 [25]PDF FileDownload
- Exams - Conflict of Interest PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Exams - Emergency Evacuation PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Exams - Equalities PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Exams - Whistleblowing PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Exams - Word Processor PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Exams Contingency Plan PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Exams Malpractice PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Exams PolicyPDF FileDownload
- EYFS Policy HandbookPDF FileDownload
- Financial Authority and Business PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Fire Evacuation Procedures GAPDF FileDownload
- Fire Evacuation Procedures GPFSPDF FileDownload
- Fire Evacuation Procedures HPAPDF FileDownload
- Fire Evacuation Procedures LPAPDF FileDownload
- Fire Evacuation Procedures TPAPDF FileDownload
- First Aid PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Flexible Working PolicyPDF FileDownload
- GDPR Data Protection Policy StatementPDF FileDownload
- GDPR GLC Data Protection PolicyPDF FileDownload
- GDPR Records Management PolicyPDF FileDownload
- GDPR-Privacy Notice [GLC staff]PDF FileDownload
- GDPR-Privacy Notice [Pupil and Parent]PDF FileDownload
- GLC funding for high level CPDPDF FileDownload
- GLC Long service PolicyPDF FileDownload
- GLC Teaching for Learning PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Grievance PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Harrassment Bullying and Victimisation [Staff]PDF FileDownload
- Health and Safety PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Home Academy Contract PrimaryPDF FileDownload
- Home Academy Contract SecondaryPDF FileDownload
- Home Study PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Homework Policy SecondaryPDF FileDownload
- Induction Policy for New StaffPDF FileDownload
- Lansdowne Flood Warning and Evacuation PlanPDF FileDownload
- Leadership and Steering Group Code of ConductPDF FileDownload
- Lettings PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Lone Worker PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Medical Conditions at School PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Menopause policyPDF FileDownload
- Non-Examination Assessment PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Online Safety PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Pensions PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Positive Handling PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Probation ProcedurePDF FileDownload
- Recruitment and Retention PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Redundancy and Restructuring ProcedurePDF FileDownload
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy [Primary]PDF FileDownload
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy [Secondary]PDF FileDownload
- Risk Management PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Safeguarding and Child Protection PolicyPDF FileDownload
- SAR Request PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Searching Screening and Confiscation PolicyPDF FileDownload
- SEND Information Report - PrimaryPDF FileDownload
- SEND Information Report - SecondaryPDF FileDownload
- SEND Policy [Primary]PDF FileDownload
- SEND Policy [Secondary]PDF FileDownload
- Smoking at Work PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Staff Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Staff Counselling PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Staff Disciplinary Policy MisconductPDF FileDownload
- Staff Expenses PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Staff Leave of Absence PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Staff Wellbeing PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Suspensions and Exclusions PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Target Setting Policy GAPDF FileDownload
- Teaching for Learning PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Teaching for Learning Policy SecondaryPDF FileDownload
- Tilbury Pioneer Flood Warning and Evacuation PlanPDF FileDownload
- Uniform PolicyPDF FileDownload
- Volunteer PolicyPDF FileDownload